Sunday, December 30, 2007

long time, no posts

whoa, can time really get away with a person! hehehe so the holidays have come and gone, sans New Years, and the pace around here has gone down! whew!

so now its "resolution" time. the past few yrs (3 or more) i've not made any resolution. reason being, i got tired of feeling like a failure at the end of the year when i realized less than a month into the new year, those resolutions were a thing of distant memory! well, this year, mine are craft related. i have an acct on ravelry and its in dire need of some upkeep, ie posting photos, and logging in needles/hooks (types and sizes and whatnot), yarns w pics since not all yarns come with pics, updating progress on wips, and ufos.

i didn't realize til 2 days b4 christmas that my son had a 12 yr old stocking! and it was falling apart!! so i've perusing all the sites looking for a patt i like and is somewhat easy, but i've looked at so many i think i may have gone blind! i would like to think that i could and would make a stocking for my son and dh and myself, but realistically, i'm only shooting to make my son one. will soften the burden if i don't feel pressure! but i figure if i do 1 stocking every 3-4 months, done deal!

well, i need to go now and do some youtube to see if i can figure out how to do some color work knitting, intarsia style.

peace out,